After twelve
Not so well
Won't the breakfast
Sisters tell
What's 'round
This bend
No disgrace
About this
Only thing
I dare to chase
You down again
You know
Nothing hurts
Like losing
When ya know
What's really gone
Except all the blame
And I'm choosin
Won't you long
I tried it your way
But I got
Nothing to show
It's been
The same, same
And the story's
Getting old
I guess the driveway
Will be
The end of the road
For us it's too late
And the credits
Start to roll
A lot to say
About today
Let the radio
Break the silence
As we drive
A kiss goodbye
Not this time
Don't remember
About this song
I never liked
Ya know
Nothing hurts
Like losing
When ya know
It's already gone
It's just
All the blame
And I'm choosin
Won't you long
I tried it your way
But I got
Nothing to show
It's been
The same, same
And the story's
Getting old
I guess the driveway
Will be the end
Of the road
For us it's too late
And the credits
Start to roll
I thought you knew
Everything about me
But I know
Nothing at all
I watched your tail
Lights fading
I'll try to do it all
I remember
What it feels like
To know love
And have it taken away
I can't think of what
I learned right now
But I'll thinking
Of it someday
I tried it your way
But I got
Nothing to show
It's been
The same, same
And the story's
Getting old
I guess the driveway
Will be
The end of the road
For us it's too late
And the credits
Start to roll
Credits start to roll
I guess the drïveway
End of the road
(End of the road)
Woo (woo)
Woo (woo)
Dupa amiaza, nu asa de bine
Nu voi pretinde, e prea devreme pentru a spune
Ce este cu despartirea asta
Nicio disgratie despre comportament
Orice numai sa nu te mai vanez
Stii, nimic nu doare ca pierderea
Cand stii ca e deja dus
In afara de durerea
De a suporta prea mult
Am incercat sa o fac in felul tau
Dar nu aveam nimic de aratat
A fost la fel, la fel
Si povestea se invecheste
Asa ca presupun ca autosrada
Va fi sfarsitul drumului
Pentru noi e prea tarziu!
Sa lasam datoriile deoparte...
Sunt multe de spus, dar nu astazi
Lasa radioul sa sparga linistea
In timp ce conducem
Un sarut de despartire,nu si de data asta
Nu imi amintesc ce imi placea
La cantecul asta
Stii ca nimic nu doare ca pierderea
Cand stii ca sunt deja plecata
In afara de durerea
De a suporta prea mult.
Am incercat sa o fac in felul tau
Dar nu aveam nimic de aratat
A fost la fel, la fel
Si povestea se invecheste
Asa ca presupun ca autosrada
Va fi sfarsitul drumului
Pentru noi e prea tarziu!
Sa lasam datoriile deoparte...
Am crezut ca poate ajungem undeva
Dar inca suntem niciunde
Am vazut pozitiile(de la masina) tale pierdandu-se
Am incercat, dar tot nu va cadea
Imi amintesc cum este
Sa simti dragostea si sa iti fie furata
Nu pot sa ma gandesc ce am invatat acum
Dar iti voi multumi intr-o zi...
Am incercat sa o fac in felul tau
Dar nu aveam nimic de aratat
A fost la fel, la fel
Si povestea se invecheste
Asa ca presupun ca autosrada
Va fi sfarsitul drumului
Pentru noi e prea tarziu!
Sa lasam datoriile deoparte...
Sa lasam datoriile deoparte...
Asa ca presupun ca autosrada
Va fi sfarsitul drumului, sfarsitul drumului..
Va fi sfarsitul drumului, sfarsitul drumuluï..
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